Monday 20 February 2017


Image result for world day of social injustice
Social Injustice is when the equal is treated in an unequal manner and when the unequal is treated equal. Social Injustice is the unfair practices carried out in the society.
Social Injustice is the unjust relation between the individual and society.  
 Racial discrimination is social Injustice.
Gender discrimination is social Injustice.

 Inequality in access of health care is Social Injustice.
Prohibition of freedom of speech is Social Injustice.
Racism is Social Injustice.
Domestic violence against women and children is Social Injustice.
Unequal distribution of wealth and resources (corruption) is Social Injustice.

Image result for world day of social injustice

 Examples of Social Injustices Cases in the world
 Image result for martin luther king - October 19th,1960, Martin Luther King was arrested after refusing to leave their seats at downtown department store lunch counters.At the time black and white people use separate water fountains, bathrooms, ticket booths, and other public spaces. That was social Injustice.

Image result for renee rabinowitz - April 1,2016,Renee Robinowitz was asked to change her seat on a plane when an ultra-Orthodox Jew objected to sitting next to a woman.

Image result for umar zaib that killed his daughter -September 12th,2013. Umar Zaib drowned his daughter in a river because he wanted a son after having two daughters.

Image result for john danfulani - October 26th,2016, Dr John Danfulani,a former lecturer with the Kaduna State University was arrested for criticising the administrative style of the governor of Kaduna State. Nasir El-Rufai

Image result for Jason Harrison- April 23rd,2015. Jason Harrison,a Schizophrenic man was shot five times because he had a screw driver in his hands.

Image result for audu maikori- February 17th,2017. Audu Maikori was arrested due to comments he made on the on-going southern kaduna killings.

      There are million cases of social injustices going on in the world today,it is however not enough for us to show compassion but to come together and fight against it. We can do it.

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